Improving Teamwork by Reframing Team Issues チームの問題をリフレーミングしてチームワークを向上させる

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Various team issues – communication breakdowns, friction between members, unclear roles – are common challenges in many workplaces. These problems can lead to decreased motivation and stagnant productivity, but by reframing them as “opportunities for growth and evolution” rather than “obstacles,” you can build a stronger and more effective team.

First, let’s understand the typical reactions to team problems. In many cases, when issues arise, there is a tendency to blame specific individuals, ignore the problems, or simply resign that “the team is not functioning.” These reactions not only fail to resolve the root causes, but can also further divide the team. Let’s explore a more constructive perspective through reframing.

Identifying the Problem

Recognize team challenges as opportunities for growth

Integrating Diverse Perspectives

Respect and leverage different opinions and viewpoints

Pursuing Collaborative Solutions

Facilitate constructive dialogue with full team participation

Practice and Reflection

Test solutions and learn from the results

Team Evolution

Strengthen relationships and capabilities from shared experiences

Here are some examples of how to reframe team issues:

  • “Conflicting opinions” → “A source of creativity from diverse perspectives”
  • “Unclear roles” → “Opportunities for flexibility and mutual support”
  • “Communication breakdowns” → “Chances to promote deeper understanding and clearer expression”
  • “Team diversity” → “Strengths in leveraging a wide range of perspectives and skills”
  • “Slow decision-making” → “A cautious and inclusive deliberation process”

Specific approaches to reframe team issues and improve teamwork include:

Promote Open Dialogue

Treat problems as team-wide challenges, not individual responsibilities, and facilitate open, non-blaming conversations. Focus on “how to improve” rather than “who is to blame” – a future-oriented discussion.

Adopt a Strengths-Based Approach

Recognize and leverage each member’s unique strengths and contributions, rather than focusing on weaknesses. Emphasize the resources you already have, not what is lacking.

Embrace an Experimental Mindset

View problem-solving as a continuous learning and adaptation process, not a one-time fix. Try new approaches as “experiments,” learn from the results, and iteratively improve.

Acknowledge Progress and Achievements

Consciously recognize and celebrate not only major successes, but also small improvements and incremental changes. This helps maintain motivation and reinforce positive momentum.

Specific actions to reframe team issues include:

  1. Regularly schedule “team retrospectives” to discuss what’s working well and what can be improved
  2. When problems arise, ask “What can we learn from this situation?” and “How can we become stronger from this?”
  3. Identify and share each member’s strengths within the team
  4. For communication challenges, collaboratively devise more effective information-sharing methods
  5. Periodically review the team’s success stories and past experiences overcoming difficulties to build confidence and unity

Reframing team issues requires the participation and empathy of the entire team. Reframing efforts by a single leader or member alone will have limited impact. By sharing new perspectives and interpretations, and working towards common understanding and goals, the team can achieve true transformation.

Ultimately, reframing team problems not only resolves current challenges, but also cultivates a more resilient team culture and enhances the team’s adaptive capacity to handle future issues. Viewing problems as natural parts of growth and evolution, rather than signs of weakness, enables the creation of a healthier and more productive team environment.














  • 「意見の対立」→「多様な視点がもたらす創造性の源泉」
  • 「役割の不明確さ」→「柔軟性と相互支援の機会」
  • 「コミュニケーションの齟齬」→「より深い理解と明確な表現を促す契機」
  • 「メンバーの多様性」→「幅広い視点と能力を活かせる強み」
  • 「意思決定の遅さ」→「慎重で包括的な検討プロセス」











  1. 定期的な「チーム振り返り」の時間を設け、何がうまくいっているか、何を改善できるかを話し合う
  2. 問題が生じたときは、「この状況から何を学べるか」「これによってどのように強くなれるか」という質問を投げかける
  3. 各メンバーの強みを特定し、それをチーム内で共有する機会を作る
  4. コミュニケーションの課題がある場合は、より効果的な情報共有の方法を全員で考案する
  5. チームの成功事例や過去の困難を乗り越えた経験を定期的に振り返り、チームとしての自信と一体感を育む

