Step 5: Apply the New Frame ステップ5:新しいフレームを適用する
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The final step of reframing is to actually apply the new perspective or frame that was identified in the previous step. This is not just about “changing your mindset,” but the process of taking concrete actions based on the new viewpoint. The true value of reframing lies in bringing about actual changes in behavior and results.
First, try to clearly express the new frame in your own words. For example, “This deadline pressure is an opportunity to improve my time management skills,” or “This critical feedback is valuable information that will help me identify my blind spots.” It is important to write down this new frame or remind yourself of it regularly to help it become ingrained in your consciousness.
Next, consider what specific actions you can take based on this new frame. For example, if you are applying the “learning opportunity” frame, plan what you can do to maximize your learning from the situation, what questions you should ask, and who you should consult.
Changing Internal Dialogue
Change the way you talk to yourself (internal dialogue). When thinking about the problem, consciously use words and expressions based on the new frame.
Changing Dialogue with Others
When discussing the same problem with others, also use expressions based on the new frame. This can influence not only your own perception, but also others’ perceptions.
Changing Actions
Take concrete actions based on the new frame. For example, if you adopt a “challenge” frame, you may start tackling the task more proactively.
Evaluating Results
Evaluate what changes have occurred as a result of applying the new frame. Pay attention to changes in your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and relationships.
In this step, it can be effective to start with small steps instead of trying to fully apply the new frame all at once. At first, conscious effort may be required, but with repeated practice, the new perspective will become more natural.
Finally, remember that reframing is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process that should be adjusted as the situation changes. If the new frame is not working well, it is important to explore alternative viewpoints. Maintain flexibility and find the most constructive and useful frame for yourself.