How to Reframe Work Stress 仕事のストレスをリフレーミングする方法

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Workplace stress is a problem that many people face, but by reframing it, you can change your relationship with stress. Instead of seeing stress as simply “bad,” try looking at it from a different angle.

First, it’s important to understand the physiological mechanism of stress. The stress response is originally an adaptive reaction to deal with danger. In other words, our bodies are mobilizing energy to tackle important tasks through stress. From this perspective, feeling stress can be seen as evidence that you are “prepared” and your body is “activated.”

Research shows that viewing stress as a “source of energy” or a “sign of challenge” can actually improve performance and reduce negative health impacts. The way you perceive stress itself can determine its effects.

Examples of Reframing Stress

  • “I feel pressured” → “This is evidence that I’m entrusted with an important task”
  • “I’m rushed by deadlines” → “I have clear goals and a focused environment”
  • “I have a lot of work” → “I have the opportunity to utilize diverse skills”
  • “I’m facing a difficult challenge” → “This is a chance for growth and skill development”
  • “The responsibility is heavy” → “This shows I’m trusted and have influence”

When reframing stress, it can be effective to connect it to your own values and goals. For example, thinking “This work is stressful because I value quality” can help you find your important values within the stress.

It’s also important to be aware that stress is temporary. Thinking “This is difficult now, but I will get through it” can put the current stress in a broader perspective. Reflecting on past experiences of overcoming challenges can also remind you of your resilience.

However, not all stress can be positively reframed. Chronic overload or a harmful work environment can have serious health consequences. In such cases, in addition to reframing, practical measures such as improving the work environment or reviewing workload are necessary. Reframing is a tool to gain a new perspective, not to avoid reality.





  • 「プレッシャーを感じる」→「重要な仕事を任されている証拠だ」
  • 「締め切りに追われている」→「明確な目標があり、集中できる環境がある」
  • 「多くの仕事を抱えている」→「多様なスキルを活かせる機会がある」
  • 「難しい課題に直面している」→「成長とスキルアップのチャンスがある」
  • 「責任が重い」→「信頼されている証拠であり、影響力を持っている」


