Viewing Meeting Waste as an Opportunity for Efficiency 会議の無駄を効率化の機会として捉える

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“Another wasteful meeting?” – This is a phrase often heard in many workplaces. Meetings are often perceived as a waste of time, inefficient, and boring, but by reframing them as not “waste” but rather “opportunities for efficiency and collaboration,” you can transform them into more meaningful and productive time.

First, let’s understand the common complaints and problems with meetings. In many cases, the issues include unclear objectives, too many participants, lack of preparation, discussions going off track, and unclear decisions. Instead of simply criticizing these problems, we can reframe them as opportunities for improvement.

“Waste of Time” → “Opportunity to Leverage Collective Knowledge”

Rather than seeing meetings as just a place to share information, reframe them as a valuable opportunity to bring together diverse perspectives and knowledge within the organization. Ideas that one person may not have thought of, or blind spots that were previously unnoticed, can become clear when people with different viewpoints come together. From this perspective, “efficiently getting through it” is not the only important goal; “drawing out diverse opinions” also becomes a key purpose of meetings.

“Boring Obligation” → “Relationship Building Opportunity”

Meetings are not just for exchanging business information, but also for deepening trust and understanding among team members. Especially as remote work increases, the value of meetings as a direct communication opportunity is growing. Instead of seeing them as an “obligatory participation,” reframe them as “time to strengthen team bonds.”

“Prolonged Discussions” → “Process of Deepening Thought”

Discussions that may seem like detours can actually be necessary processes to delve into the essence of the problem and examine it from multiple angles. Immediate decisions are not always the best, and taking the time to carefully consider can lead to higher-quality decisions. Rather than “wasted time,” these discussions can be seen as “an investment to mature our thinking.”

Specific approaches to reframing meetings to make them more efficient and meaningful include:

  • “Obligation to Attend” → “Opportunity to Contribute” (Participate as an active contributor, not a passive attendee)
  • “Place to Receive Information” → “Place to Create Value” (Position it not just as a reporting session, but as a collaborative value creation process)
  • “Time to Listen to Superiors” → “Time to Collectively Leverage Wisdom” (Not top-down, but a process where everyone contributes their knowledge)
  • “Fixed Time Slot” → “Flexible Time for Achieving Objectives” (Not just filling a time slot, but continuing until the objectives are met)

Concrete actions to improve meeting efficiency include:

  1. Before the meeting, clarify the purpose and why your participation is necessary
  2. Prepare in advance what you can contribute
  3. Actively participate during the meeting, providing constructive opinions and questions
  4. Politely redirect the discussion if it goes off track or becomes unproductive
  5. After the meeting, confirm decisions and next steps, and clarify your role

To reframe the overall meeting culture in the organization, a shift in mindset is needed – from “meetings for the sake of meetings” to “selecting the appropriate format to achieve objectives.” Not all information sharing and decision-making needs to be in meeting format; flexibility to choose the optimal method (email, chat, asynchronous communication, small group discussions, etc.) based on the purpose is important.

By reframing meetings, you can transform them from “time to endure” to “opportunities to create value.” This shift in perspective can not only change the meetings themselves, but also improve the quality of communication and collaboration in the organization, ultimately leading to increased efficiency and creativity across the entire organization.










  • 「参加義務」→「貢献の機会」(受動的な出席者ではなく、積極的な貢献者として参加する)
  • 「情報を受け取る場」→「価値を生み出す場」(単なる報告の場ではなく、共同で価値を創造する場として位置づける)
  • 「上司の指示を聞く時間」→「チームの知恵を結集する時間」(上意下達ではなく、全員が知恵を出し合うプロセスとして捉える)
  • 「予定された時間枠」→「目的達成のためのフレキシブルな時間」(時間を埋めるのではなく、目的が達成されたら終了するという発想)


  1. 会議の前に「この会議の目的は何か、なぜ自分が参加する必要があるのか」を明確にする
  2. 自分ができる貢献を事前に考え、必要な準備を行う
  3. 会議中は積極的に参加し、建設的な意見や質問を提供する
  4. 議論が脱線したり、非生産的になったりしたときは、丁寧に軌道修正を提案する
  5. 会議後は決定事項や次のステップを確認し、自分の役割を明確にする

