Reframing Decreased Motivation モチベーション低下をリフレーミングする
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Decreased motivation at work is a universal challenge that everyone experiences. It is natural for motivation to decline when performing the same tasks for a long time or when the results are not easily visible. However, by reframing decreased motivation as a “signal for adjustment or change” rather than a “problem,” you can respond to it more constructively.
First, let’s understand the typical reactions to decreased motivation. Many people tend to engage in self-criticism, try to force themselves to be motivated, or simply give up when their motivation declines. These reactions are not necessarily effective and can even worsen the situation. Reframing can help you explore a new perspective beyond these reactions.
Growth and achievement of goals
Recognition and Evaluation
Acknowledgment and respect from others
Sense of Belonging
Feeling of belonging to a team
Safety and Stability
Outlook for the future and a sense of security
Basic Needs
Compensation and work environment
The following perspectives can be helpful in reframing decreased motivation:
- “Lack of motivation” → “A sign of misalignment between internal motivation and external environment”
- “Boredom” → “A message that new stimuli or challenges are needed”
- “Fatigue” → “A bodily signal that rest and recharging are necessary”
- “Sense of meaninglessness” → “A sign that a larger purpose or value needs to be reaffirmed”
- “Feeling of helplessness” → “An opportunity to enhance a sense of control and self-efficacy”
Concrete approaches to constructively address decreased motivation include:
- Perceive decreased motivation as a message to yourself and analyze what is lacking or excessive
- Identify changeable elements in your work content and environment (e.g., task types, work environment, learning opportunities)
- Reaffirm the parts of your work that you find most valuable and where you excel
- Connect short-term goals with a long-term vision to find meaning in your daily tasks
- Try small changes or experiments to introduce freshness and challenges
Understanding the mechanisms of “motivation” can also be helpful when reframing decreased motivation. Review the balance between intrinsic motivation (curiosity, sense of achievement, growth) and extrinsic motivation (rewards, evaluations, deadlines), and explore ways to strengthen intrinsic motivation in particular.
It is also important to recognize that motivation fluctuates and accept these changes as natural. Maintaining consistently high motivation is not realistic. Instead, by understanding the waves of motivation and using low periods for rest and re-evaluation, while focusing intensely during high periods, you can enhance long-term sustainability.
- 「やる気がない」→「内なる動機と外的環境の不一致のサイン」
- 「飽き」→「新しい刺激や挑戦が必要というメッセージ」
- 「疲労感」→「休息と再充電が必要というボディシグナル」
- 「意味の喪失感」→「より大きな目的や価値の再確認が必要なサイン」
- 「無力感」→「コントロール感や自己効力感を高める機会」
- モチベーション低下を自分のメッセージとして捉え、何が足りないのか、何が過剰なのかを分析する
- 仕事の内容や環境の中で、変更可能な要素(タスクの種類、作業環境、学習機会など)を特定する
- 仕事の中で自分が最も価値を感じる部分、最も得意とする部分を再確認する
- 短期的な目標と長期的なビジョンを結びつけ、日々の業務に意味を見出す
- 小さな変化や実験を試み、新鮮さや挑戦を取り入れる