Step 1: Identify the Problem ステップ1:問題を特定する

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The first step in reframing is to clearly identify the problem that needs to be addressed. At this stage, it is important to articulate specifically “what” the problem is, rather than vague dissatisfaction or anxiety. Once the problem is clear, appropriate reframing becomes possible.

First, try writing down the unpleasant feelings or obstacles you are experiencing. Instead of “my work is not going well somehow,” use more specific expressions such as “I’m not meeting deadlines” or “my communication with my boss is not smooth.” When identifying the problem, keep the following points in mind:

  • Distinguish between emotions and facts – Focus on the facts that are causing the emotion, rather than the emotion itself (e.g. “I feel irritated” vs. “I’m not meeting deadlines”).
  • Address one problem at a time – If multiple problems are intertwined, tackle the most important one first.
  • Focus on problems within your control – Rather than organizational policies that you cannot change, focus on your own actions and attitudes.
  • Recall specific situations or events – Avoid generalizations like “always” or “constantly,” and focus on particular situations.

Helpful questions for identifying the problem include: “In what specific situations does the problem occur?”, “What impact does this problem have?”, and “What would the situation be like if the problem was resolved?” Answering these questions can help clarify the nature and scope of the problem.

At this stage, you do not need to consider solutions yet. Instead, concentrate on accurately understanding the nature and impact of the problem. Thoroughly understanding the problem at this stage is the key to making the reframing process more effective later on.



  • 感情と事実を区別する – 「イライラする」という感情ではなく、何がその感情を引き起こしているのかという事実に焦点を当てます
  • 一度に一つの問題に取り組む – 複数の問題が絡み合っている場合は、最も重要なものから順に取り組みます
  • 自分がコントロールできる範囲の問題を選ぶ – 組織全体の方針など、自分の力では変えられないものよりも、自分の行動や態度に関わる問題に焦点を当てます
  • 具体的な状況や出来事を思い出す – 「いつも」「常に」といった一般化を避け、特定の状況に焦点を当てます

