Step 2: Recognize the Current Frame ステップ2:現在のフレームを認識する
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The second step of reframing is to recognize the frame or perspective through which you currently view the problem. We unconsciously see things through a particular lens or interpretive framework. The goal of this stage is to consciously explore and make explicit the “taken-for-granted” perspectives.
To recognize the current frame, start by observing your own thoughts and feelings. What words or metaphors are you using when thinking about the problem? For example, you might be describing a deadline crunch as a “battle.” Or you might feel that a difficult task is a “burden.” These expressions reflect the frame you have unconsciously adopted.
It is also important to pay attention to the emotions you have about the problem. Strong feelings like fear, anger, helplessness, or guilt can indicate the underlying assumptions or beliefs at play. For instance, the fear of making mistakes may stem from a belief that you must be perfect.
Questions to Find the Current Frame
- What images or metaphors come to mind when you think about this problem?
- What meaning does this situation hold for you?
- What thoughts first arise when this problem occurs?
- How would you explain this problem to someone else?
- What emotions come up for you regarding this problem?
When exploring your current frame, it is important to avoid self-criticism and simply observe. There is no “wrong frame,” only the one you are currently using. Understanding that frame is necessary before attempting to change it.
Effective ways to recognize your current frame include keeping a journal or talking to a trusted person about your thoughts. Putting your ideas into words can reveal thought patterns and assumptions you weren’t previously aware of. Recognizing the current frame lays the foundation for the next step of “exploring new perspectives.”
- この問題について考えるとき、どんなイメージや比喩が浮かびますか?
- この状況は自分にとってどのような意味を持っていますか?
- この問題が起きたとき、最初にどんな思考が浮かびますか?
- この問題について誰かに話すとしたら、どのような言葉で説明しますか?
- この問題に対してどのような感情が湧き上がりますか?