Step 3: Explore New Perspectives ステップ3:新しい視点を探る
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In the third step of reframing, we explore the possibility of new perspectives or interpretations on the problem. It is important to move away from fixed mindsets and engage in creative thinking. Even the same situation can take on completely different meanings by changing the perspective.
To explore new perspectives, thought experiments starting with “What if…?” are effective. For example, “What if this problem was actually a hidden opportunity?” or “How would my future self feel looking back on this problem in 5 years?” Changing the temporal or spatial perspective can make new interpretations more likely to emerge.
Borrowing others’ perspectives is also effective. “How would the person I admire view this problem?” or “How would someone in a completely different profession or position see it?” Consulting trusted colleagues or friends and hearing their viewpoints can reveal interpretations you may not have thought of on your own.
Changing the Perspective
Consider how the problem appears differently when viewed from a distance versus up close. Shift between a broad, big-picture view and a focus on the details.
Changing the Metaphor
Express the problem using a different metaphor. Instead of “a battle,” try “a dance”; instead of “obstacles,” try “learning materials.”
Reverse Thinking
Consider the problem from the opposite side. Instead of “avoiding failure,” think about “what’s necessary for success.”
Questioning Assumptions
Question assumptions like “it must be this way.” Explore whether there are other possibilities.
In this step, there is no need to judge which perspective is “correct.” Instead, focus on generating as many diverse perspectives and interpretations as possible. Temporarily set aside critical thinking and embrace a “anything goes” mindset. The most useful and constructive perspectives can be selected in the next step.